We Build People
We Strengthen People
We Empower People
We Plant New Ministries

Vision and Mission
We are the Called of God shining through darkness to bring truth, love, hope, salvation, and prosperity to the lost, the hurting, the impoverished, and to those without hope. Our mission is to preach, teach, train and ordain, coach, and mentor.  Also, to develop and help facilitate new ministry launches and re-launches as the Lord shall lead.

If it is in God’s Word … We embrace it.
If God said it … It shall come to pass.
With God … All things are possible.

Goals and Methods

Win the lost, help the hurting, deliver the bound

Discipleship for “personal and spiritual growth”

Train & empower lay ministers & workers

Train & develop spiritual & strong leadership

Ordain as elders those who excel in “ministry leadership”

Promote & get maximum lay membership involvement

Follow-up ministry … that none should be lost

Church growth by conversions

We accept all ministry gifts to the body according to Eph. 4:11

Establish/launch new church/ministries as the Lord shall lead

The establishing of outreach programs that provide various helps:

  • Food
  • Clothes
  • Life skills training
  • Other programs to be prayerfully determined as needs may arise




